The two best decisions we ever made

The two best decisions we ever made

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Snowy President's Day Update

Happy President's Day! So much for a nice relaxing day off from work as the winter storm that hit the Twin Cities managed to drop somewhere between 5 and 10 inches on us in Garfield. It is really hard to tell as we had some pretty good drifting going on. But the driveway is clean down to the cement again and the sidewalks and decks are cleaned off.

We haven't really done a whole lot since the last update. We did manage to make it down to Stacy and Dave's one weekend to take in the Minneapolis RV Show. We are still RV-less, but did see a couple we liked. Maybe next year we will enter the world of RVing.

Lucas had a doctor's appointment today, another ear infection, so it is more antibiotics. But we did find out he weighs a hair over 20 pounds at five months old.

Here are some pictures for you. The car ones are from last Thursday. As you can see, the driveway is clear of snow and ice due to the 40s, the sun and the wind we had for one week.

And here are some pictures from the other night. We had Lucas in his exer-walker (even though his feet don't touch the ground) and Libby decided to help him learn the activities on it.

They then proceeded to watch Barney together. Libby is a Barney nut, unfortunately.

So, that is the quick update from here. I hope you all have a great week and until next time!!!!
Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Puttin' on the Foil, Coach"

I know I did an update this past weekend, but this was just too good to pass up. All I could think of was the above quote from "Slapshot", even though I know Libby was not "puttin' on the foil".

When Libby and I got home today, we decided to play "hockey". The last time we were up in Bemidji for hockey, they handed out little hockey sticks to everyone when they left the game. So we broke out the sticks and a Nerf ball. I had to feed Lucas first, so this is what we saw next.
Libby had walked over to the drawer and got out the masking tape and proceeded to tape her hockey stick.
She started down on blade of the stick and ran tape from the toe to the heel and up the shaft.

Here she is with her completed tape job.
Now, where did she get the idea? I swear I did not or have not talked to/shown her how to do this. The only thing we can think of is the last time we were up in Bemidji we ate at the Corner Bar (yes, we had their cheese burgers, mmmmmmmmmmmm). Well, the had a whole bunch of autographed, used hockey sticks on the walls and ceiling, and we had to go look at them all. And of course they had tape on them, and she noticed that.
That is the only way we can think of that she came up with this. Even though we have been to a bunch of hockey games with her, we have never really been close enough for her to see the tape on the sticks. Or at least she hasn't told us about it.
And of course I had to throw up a picture Lucas. This is after he had his rice cereal and a whole jar of Stage 2 Bananas. Yes, a whole jar after having cereal.
And here is Libby yesterday morning helping Lucas color!

Enjoy the cold this week! Just remember, it is going to warm up this weekend!!!
Until next time!
Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February Picture Update

Happy February 2011 Everyone! Not a whole lot going on here outside of riding out wave after wave of snowfall. I am not sure how much we have gotten this season, but it is the most we have had in the five years I have been here. And we still have February, March and April to go!

Anyway, here are the pictures that I know you all love.
Libby's tired eyes one night. She is now 29 months old and a lot of fun.

Here she is putting one of Lucas' bibs on one of her bears. She has really developed her imagination here lately and we hear a lot of comments out of her about her running her "daycare" when she is playing.

Lucas is 18 weeks now and we got the go ahead at his four month appointment to start with cereal. Here is the first night. He wasn't quite sure what to think.

He has now moved up to green beans and applesauce along with the rice cereal.
By the way, his four month checkup stats: 17 lbs, 11.5 oz. and 25 inches.

Here is a picture of our table on the back deck. That is a good three feet of snow on top of it and the warm weather around Christmas and New Years melted a lot of what was already on there.

Libby and Daddy went outside to play today. Libby insisted on having to go out to the slide in the back yard. So, Daddy had to carry her through a snow drift that came up to between his waist and arm pits. Libby liked it, Daddy got a little tired.

After using the slide a few time, we made our way back to the garage and grabbed the sled. We went up and down the street and even found a hill of snow at the end of our cul-de-sac and Libby got to do her first "hill sledding". She thought that was cool and wanted to go faster. The hill of snow was only around 8 feet high.
That is about all from here. I hope all are enjoying the winter as much as we are! :) Of course summer can't be too far away as we are attending a RV show next weekend!
Until next time!
Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas