The two best decisions we ever made

The two best decisions we ever made

Monday, January 17, 2011

MLK Day Photo Update

Well, this all started back in January or 2009 when Libby was 4 months old. We woke up on MLK Day 2009 and there was an awesome Hoar Frost on everything. Since I didn't have to work that day, I decided to grab Libby and the camera and head outside for a couple of quick shots of Daddy and Libby, along with one of the pine trees with the Hoar Frost on it (and you can see it on the other trees behind us in our picture).

Last year, with Libby at 16 months, we had to do the same thing. So here is the picture from MLK Day 2010.

And now, the pictures from MLK Day 2o11. Libby is now 28 months old, and I had to add Lucas to the tradition and he is four months old in the picture. If you compare the four month pictures of Libby and Lucas, I think you can come to the conclusion that they are brother and sister!

And now for some miscellaneous pictures from the new camera. The first few are of Lucas having fun with his "Jungle" gym and back time. Notice his sister likes to torment him from time to time already?

The next couple of pictures are of Libby showing off her "ponies" the other night. She likes having them in, but always seems to pull them out within an hour.......

Well, that is about all from here. I hope the first couple of weeks of 2011 have treated everyone well!
Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ice Cream. ICE CREAM!!!

Just a quick funny for ya here.

Libby, Lucas and myself were pulling out of the YMCA parking lot last night after getting them from daycare. Libby spotted the Schwans truck across the intersection from us.

Libby: "Look daddy, the Ice Cream Man. He is coming to our house tonight!"

Me: "No Libby, he will be coming next Wednesday night"

Libby: "No daddy, we need ice cream."

Me: "No Libby, we have ice cream in the freezer."

Libby: "But Lucas needs ice cream."

Me: "What kind of ice cream does Lucas need?"

Libby: "The same kind that Libby does!" (Yes, she used third person).

Already using her little brother to try and get what she wants. 28 months old......

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fun with Pictures and "Libbyisms"

Not much going on here other than staying warm and shoveling and snow blowing when needed. But I thought I would post some of the pictures Denise has played with and two funny "quotes" Libby has had the last couple of days.

The other day, Libby was sent home from daycare due to her throwing up. Well, we found out they had au gratin potatoes at lunch and she does not like potatoes unless they are french fries or potato chips. She was home with Denise and she took her shirt off and grabbed the "pen" from her GloDoodle and put it in her armpit. Denise asked her what she was doing and her reply:

"Taking my temperature. Its 96, I'm normal"

The other night, she had her slippers on and was sliding around on the kitchen floor. We asked here what she was doing.

Libby: "I am playing hockey"
Denise: "Are you a goalie?" (Libby knows who the goalie is on the ice)
Libby: "No mom, I am Libby."

Just had to share those. I hope she is not already becoming a self-centered superstar or something.......

And now for the pictures. Enjoy!

Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!!!

Well, I had good intentions heading into December to try to keep up on updates, but guess what?? It didn't happen, and 2010 is now gone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year, welcoming in 2011!

We are all pretty much healthy. Lucas is currently battling an ear infection, and the antibiotics have given him the runs and a nasty diaper rash. We are hopefully going to kick this bug here in the near future.

We are still up in the air with Denise and her platelets. She has an appointment tomorrow with the specialists she has been seeing. She had one more test since the last post, and her levels had actually dropped a little more. So, hopefully we will have more answers tomorrow.

Up next, the pictures that everyone likes to come over and see. Denise and I decided to forgoe presents for each other this year and instead purchased a nice camera. After researching some, we ended up going with a Canon EOS Rebel T1 (I think that is all of it). We have had a lot of fun learning how to use it (and STILL learning) and Libby loves posing for the pictures. So, enjoy!!!!

Our little buddy Lucas enjoying some back time!

Libby at her daycare Christmas Program. She really loved singing the songs to mom and dad at home, but when the gym at the YMCA was full 0f parents and grandparents, she got a little stage fright.

She saw mom and dad and spent most of the program with that "SAVE ME" look on her face.

Here is Libby hamming it up for the camera in front of the Christmas Tree (pronounced Chemistry for a couple of weeks)! She eventually told mom and dad that "no, it is CHRISTMAS TREE!"

Lucas snuggling up for a nice nap on daddy's chest! Daddy probably fell asleep also.

Libby on Christmas Eve night at Grandpa Curt's and Grandma Rosemary's. She loves it when mom puts curls in her hair.

Libby and Lucas in front of the presents at Grandpa Curt's and Grandma Rosemary's.

And another shot.......

Look at that smile and curls (okay, so I am biased)!

Libby with a new dolly...named Oprah. The doll crawls, "breaks wind" and laughs. We need to remember to shut her off at night or else Oprah will start laughing in the middle of the night when we are sitting up with about FREAKY!!!

Grandpa Curt made it home from Texas for the holidays and got to spend some quality time with Lucas. Curt and Rosemary were able to leave again before the big storm here New Year's Eve and are now enjoying the sun and warmth of southern Texas.

More quality time!

Santa dropped off a sock monkey in Lucas' stocking!

And one in Libby's stocking! Libby also got a lion that she asked Santa for, but it slid to the bottom of the stocking.

Libby standing next to her and Lucas' bounty!

Libby trying out her new bean bag.

Libby with her Dora floor mat pieces. Every present had to be opened and tried out before moving onto the next one.

Lucas enjoying his first Christmas. 13+ weeks old at this time.

Libby with her Barbie "Style Me" hair head or what ever they called it.........

Libby with Abby, Ayden and Maddy at the Soderberg (Troy's Mom's Side) Christmas Celebration.

Lucas looking over daddy's shoulder, wishing he could eat some of the great treats Great Auntie Sharon made. Don't worry, your sister had enough for you this year. Maybe next year, Lucas!

Great Grandma Millie holding Lucas!

Four generation photo: Great Grandma Millie, Grandma Vicky, Lucas, Daddy Troy and Libby.

I just love this picture..........

Libby playing peek a boo with the camera over the back of the couch.

Grandpa Wayne instilling some of his wisdom. I can't remember what it was though, so just laugh at the picture! He is doing very well after his surgery, which we are thankful for.

I love this picture of Lucas! If there was a way to put this one together with the one above of Libby, it would be my wallpaper on every computer and cell phone I use.

Lucas has this little caterpillar that we sit on the tray of his swing when he is in it. He will talk with it a lot. Here he is in a stare down contest with the caterpillar.

From over the caterpillar!

I wonder what he is thinking!
Well that is about all from here. Denise and myself will try to keep up with this blog better in 2011!
Have a great first week to 2011!

Troy, Denise, Libby and Lucas